Online Giving 

Giving Options

In addition to giving your tithes and offerings during Sunday School or the Sunday Worship Service, we would like to make you aware of some other giving options now available to you at Olive Chapel Baptist Church.

Online Giving through Generosity/iDonate

This option is for gifts given through your credit or your debit card. You may select your gift amount or enter a custom amount on the form. The General Fund designation is the default, but you can select other options from the drop down list. If more options are needed or if you have any questions, please email the financial assistant, Rebecca. 

Mail In 

You may mail your gifts directly to the church office at

Olive Chapel Baptist Church

600 New Hill-Olive Chapel Rd.

Apex, NC  27502

Online Bill Payment 

This option is available through many online banking websites. In most cases, the bill payment option is free for you to use and there are no charges incurred by the church. Please make sure that you enter how you would like the donation to be applied in the memo line of the check (tithe, memorial gift, designated funds, etc.). You can use this service to give to Olive Chapel, by adding the following address to your list:

Olive Chapel Baptist Church

600 New Hill-Olive Chapel Road

Apex, NC  27502

Stock Donations 

Olive Chapel is able to accept stock as gifts to the church.  Please email  for further information on this option.  


Thank you for honoring God with the gifts of your tithes and offerings 

through Olive Chapel Baptist Church.