Olive Chapel Baptist provides weekly nursery care for infants and children (ages birth through three) every Sunday during Sunday School and worship. This is an important ministry that provides care for the smallest of God’s children and much-needed support for our parents with children.
AWANA is an acronym from 2 Timothy 2:15 — Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed.
Olive Chapel Baptist Church AWANA Clubs are for kids (4 yrs old – 6th Grade). AWANA is a fun approach to making the Bible alive and relevant with caring trained leaders who invest time, love, and wisdom into shaping children’s lives. While kids are having fun together each Wednesday night, they’re learning about Jesus and growing in their faith in Him, too. They learn Bible verses and spiritual truths. They encounter life lessons that feed their soul. They participate in games and activities that train their bodies.
We meet from the first week of September until mid-May
on Wednesday nights 6 - 7:30 PM.
We would love to see you!
Ages 4 - Kindergarten
1st - 3rd Grades
4th - 6th Grades
Children’s Ministry
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
Our Mission
Training children, through God’s Word, to know and serve the Lord.
At Olive Chapel, we believe children are a gift from God. Our Children’s Ministry partners with families to help lay a strong Biblical foundation. Our goal is to help children experience God’s love and come to know Christ as their Savior. Children are taught Bible truths and stories by Christian teachers in a fun, engaging, age-appropriate learning environment.